CodingAcademy.Inc : Coding Untuk Anak The Centre of Excellence in Coding Education
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Short field trip study to JapanDuring your school vacation, are you going to visit Japan while studying at several companies/school/academy ...? We will teach you how to make sushi at our restaurants in Japan.
Lets joint us soon.
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Sudah dibuka, program Diploma 1 tahun untuk lulusan SMA/SMAK. Diploma in Artificial Intelligent (AI)/ Python developers.
Buat adek mahasiswa dan pencari kerja yg ingin magang diJepang sambil belajar koding, kita ada internship program dg perusahaan Jepang. Setelah lulus dapet sertifikat dan internahip letter yg dapat digunakan sebagai referensi pengalaman kerja di Perusahaan Jepang. Hayo, tunggu apalagi, segera daftar disini.
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🍎🍎❤️❤️Hot items:Kelas offline di Bintaro. Yes, cepetan daftar yuuk.
Kids’ Education Programs;
✳️International Coding Class for Kids
✳️Program Coding Utk Matematik& B.Inggris
✳️Robotics Class for Kids
✳️Rubics' Fun Class
✳️Magic tricks in Math
✳️Guitar Ukulele Kids' Class
✳️Web reguler programming Class.
✳️Belajar Bahasa Mandarin (Native Speaker)
✳️Indonesia language for Expat
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Teaser class @CodingAcademy.Inc : Pusatnya Kursus Coding Untuk Anak
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Registration to CodingAcademy.Inc is now open. Browse our forms and information below and download the files you need. If you have any questions, get in touch with a member of our team today. Teaser class is available here;
Coding Untuk Anak
Pusat Kursus Coding Untuk Anak
-Coding kids' class
-Robotics kids' class
-Phyton reguler class
-Rubics Fun kids' class
-Magic tricks in Math and English Class
Hot Deal:❤️❤️❤️ in cooperation with the Japan Airlines {JAL) and some partnership companies in Japan
Opportunity for Senior high school graduate to continue your study in some tecnical/engineering school in Japan. Bagi Lulusan SMA yg memenuhi syarat akan mengikuti pendidikan di akamemi/universitas teknik/aerodinamics (3 thn) di Jepang dan setelah lulus langsung dialokasikan utk ditrima bekerja sbg karyawan di Japan Airlines atau kami alokasikan ke beberapa partner companies kami.
Once you are graduate, you will be allocated to be employ at Japan Airlines (JAL) and also at some our partnership Companies.
Overview Packet
Coding Untuk Anak
The Best Kursus Coding Untuk Anak
International program is now available. Our classes for Coding education, Robotics education, Rubics education, Magic tricks in Math & English Language and Phyton programming are ready to welcome your kids.
*****Modul Pemula*****
Introduction to the Games Design
Sillabus: 1.What is Computer programming?2.What is Scratch 3.Project Editor? 4.What are the Code BLOCKS? 5.Remixing the ganes, does it possible? 6.Study Case and Projects Implementation.
Have questions or concerns? Contact our admissions office today.
Our Academics
Embracing Challenge
The academic program at CodingAcademy.Inc places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting state requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow us to offer a comfortable and inclusive educational environment, while ensuring each student receives the individualized attention and support they need.
Latest News
Admissions Explained
We have 5 different classes programed in coding academy which are Coding class for kids, Robotics class for kids, Phyton programming reguler class, Rubics Fun Class for Kids and Magic Tricks in Math & English Class
Alumni Reception
International student environment:We have international coding class which is in cooperation with the best coding school in Osaka, Japan. All the student will get certificate after completed the class program.
Open House
Free trial class is available upon request. Please contact our representative to register on the free class.
Course Overview
Knowledge for Every Level
CodingAcademy.Inc teaches and lectures popular courses across all levels. Over the years, we have helped students of all ages boost their education and surpass their academic goals. Scroll below to review all available courses.
Coding Class: Introduction to the games design
Modul Pemula:Introduction to the Games Design
1.What is Computer programming?
2.What is Scratch
3.Project Editor?
4.What are the Code BLOCKS?
5.Remixing the ganes, does it possible?
6.Study Case and Projects Implementation.
Online class program makes it possible for students to interect and communicate effectively with other international student.
Remote Coding Class: Modul Basic/Pre-intermediate
Modul Basic/Pre-intermediate;
1.Programming design;
2.Coding block practice;
3.Trigger and event;
4.Sequence and looping.
In Coding Academy.Inc, We can guarantee the quality of education is based on international standart curriculume. Incorporation with Japan Higher Education Institute, we design the reliable curriculum up to date to recent development in coding conceptual framework.
Online Coding Class: Modul Intermediate
we offer international curriculum for our student, including Coding class for kids, Robotics class for kids and Phyton reguler class.
Modul Intermediate;
Sillabus:1. Games Remixing: Study Case on Mario Bross; 2.Individual Project design & implementation; 3. Projects case studies.*****
Get in touch for more information.
Contact Us
CodingAcademy.Inc always has our doors open. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions regarding our academics, events, students, staff or anything else.
Our Academics
Embracing Challenge
The academic program at CodingAcademy.Inc : Pusatnya Kursus Coding Untuk Anak places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting state requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow us to offer a comfortable and inclusive educational environment, while ensuring each student receives the individualized attention and support they need.
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Student kita bimbing sampai tahap implementasi. Intinya kita melatik logical thinking dan problem solving dari student.Kita juga ada program magic trik utk matematik. Dengan teknik magic trik ini student bisa memecahkan hitungan rumit matematik dg cara yg sangat mudah
Overview Packet
*****Modul Pemula/Introduction to the Games Design
Sillabus: 1.What is Computer programming?2.What is Scratch 3.Project Editor? 4.What are the Code BLOCKS? 5.Remixing the ganes, does it possible? 6.Study Case and Projects Implementation.
*****Modul Basic/Pre-intermediate;
Sillabus: 1. Programming design. 2.Coding block practice. 3.Trigger and event. 4.Sequence and looping.
*****Modul Intermediate; 1. Games Remixing: Study Case on Mario Bross; 2.Individual Project design & implementation; 3. Projects case studies.*****
Have questions or concerns? Contact our admissions office today.
Explore CodingAcademy.Inc : Coding Untuk Anak The Centre of Excellence in Coding Education
Let’s Learn Together
CodingAcademy.Inc sudah mendapat pengakuan dari lembaga pendidikan international, jadi sertifikatnya diakui dan dapat digunakan untul ajang kompetisi coding international.
Paket program:
1. Coding with scratch
2. Robotics class & machine learning
3. Artificial intelligent
4. IoT class
5. Data scientist
6. Scratch for Mathematics & English Language study.
7. Scratch for games design
8. Rubics fun class
9. Ukulele fun class
Explore CodingAcademy.Inc : Coding Untuk Anak The Centre of Excellence in Coding Education
Let’s Learn Together